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Harassment\Bullying Policy

In the popular world of social media, it has been increasingly popular to share positive and negative interactions with the world. We at Marshall Law Driving Academy choose to share the positives and highlights of our successes and that of our clients.

We strive to accommodate all of our clients in as efficient a manner as possible but we cannot always fit you in as quickly as you desire. Training and car availability is planned weeks to months in advance and sometimes life happens. We have found our practices to be very successful but everything takes time and planning. In some instances when a client waits too long to book training they get frustrated and are taking to social media platforms such as Facebook to vent their frustrations.

While frustrations may be warranted, some clients have taken to social media and used it as a pressure tactic to bend the will of the training staff to their wants needs and desires even when what they want or desire is unattainable.

It takes a special person with a specific skill set and desire to instruct new drivers how drive proper and defensively. This is not an easy undertaking at the best of times and can be very daunting and disheartening if harassed or bullied by a student, parent or guardian.

It is with this information in mind that we have instituted the following policy effective immediately:

Should you have an issues with a service that is being provided we need to know about it and will work with you to resolve the issue as best we can. Resorting to harassment and\or bullying will not get the desired results and we have taken a zero tolerance to this behavior.

The Management and Team
Marshall Law Driving Academy